Thursday, January 13, 2011

Adventures in Motherhood

Sadie pup has this irritating habit of trying to eat my kitten, Fizgig. So, when it's time for my son to go to bed, she either goes outside or in her crate while I read to him.

It was snowing out last night, so I figured I would put her in the crate. My boy had closed my bedroom door. I tried to open the door, only to discover (to my dismay) it was locked. My boy, in his infinite mischievousness had locked and closed the door as he walked out. With a sigh, I let Sadie pup out, hoping she wouldn't get too wet and proceeded to get my boy into bed. We had a nice talk about locking doors, especially when there is no key for said door.

After my boy was safely tucked into bed, the work began on how to get my door open. I tried a screwdriver in the little hole on the knob to no avail. After much pondering and thought on my part (and yep, a little bit of panic) I decided the thing to do would be to remove the door knob. And voila! Instant open door, right? Um...yeah, not so much.

So I got the door knob off, pushed the inner knob out and began fussing and fighting with the inner latch trying to get my gosh darn door open! Finally, I gave in and asked my roomie for help. He was (thankfully) able to muscle the latch open and jump for joy! I could get into my room again!!

I picked up the other inner door knob and placed it on the kitchen table, thinking I would replace the whole darn thing tomorrow as it was getting on past my bedtime.

But wait! My story gets better!

This morning, we got ready for school and work as normal. Sadie pup goes outside while we get ready. As we prepare to leave, I put in her the crate, told her to be a good puppy and I'll see her tonight. Habit kicked in and I closed my bedroom door behind me. You see dear readers, Fizgig and Harlequin will tease Sadie pup in the day and sit right in front of the crate. Sadie pup of course goes nuts, barking and jumping and all sorts of stuff. Doesn't bother me of course, because I'm not home. My poor roomie however, who is home and sleeps during the day, well, it wakes him up. So, I close the door to keep the cats out.

As I closed the knob less door, it dawns on me, that without the door knob it will probably...oh...yep it did. It locked right back up!

Hmmm..this could present a problem if the roomie's not home tonight and I can't get the door open...yikes late for work!

Okay, well it wasn't quite the disaster it could have been. Since I had the inner knob with the lock on it, it was simple to just plug it into the door and voila! Open door.

Maybe I'll get around to reinstalling the door knobs tomorrow.