Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bucket List

I think everyone should have a bucket list. Here's mine:

1. Ride in a hot air balloon. I've never been and have always wanted to.
2. Parasailing. It would be the closest to flying I could get.
3. Visit Ireland. It's where my Great Grandfather and Great Great Grandparents are from. I love the culture and history and would love to someday visit.
4. Go back to Hawaii. The islands are so beautiful and I love the warm ocean waters. The air smells so clean there too.
5. Spend a week on the Oregon Coast. I'd really like to rent a beach side house and spend a week walking along the beach, swimming and reading on a patio overlooking the beach. Maybe even do the bonfire thing on the beach.
6. Own land in the mountains with a nice little cabin and a couple of horses.
7. Go to a Gaming Convention. One of the big ones. Gotta satisfy the inner geek.
8. Meet my favorite Author Mercedes Lackey and my favorite band The Moody Blues
9. Go on a cruise, preferably somewhere tropical.
10. And well, I won't list number 10.

Hopefully, I can accomplish some of these in the years to come.

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